Privacy Policy

Your privacy as our valued customer is important. As such, it's our responsibility to safeguard all the information that gather on our website

We only request our users to submit their information when it's necessary to offer top-quality services. Our process of collecting such data follows a legal code of conduct and we do that with your consent.

Note that we keep the information that we collect and gather from our users strictly for the period it's required to offer the required service. The data is stored in our database and safeguarded using commercially accepted security technologies to check loss, disclosure, copying, and access by unauthorized third parties.

Please keep notice that we do not, in any way, publicly share personally identifying information, unless under a stringent directive by the court of law/authority.

Users will find various links embedded on various pages of this website (, which redirect to different websites, commonly known as third-party sites. Be advised that such sites are independent entities, and so we have no power or authority over them or the contents and/or material they post and publish. As a result, we cannot be held accountable, legally or otherwise, for their privacy policies or actions.

All users have the right to agree or reject our request to provide personal details, with the consent that the required service may be denied without the necessary requirements.

By continuing to use this website and the service offered herein, you consent to the terms of our policy regarding privacy and personal information. All questions about the subject matter may be communicated through the communication channels provided.